viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Law, Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP)

Convocatoria para el primer número de esta muy buena y nueva revista:  Law, Ethics and Philosophy. Felicitaciones a los editores y lo mejor!

Anuncios - NH 2012
Law, Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP) is a new peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to work in ethics, legal theory, and social and political philosophy. It welcomes clear, rigorous and original sub- missions addressing concrete issues of public concern as well as more abstract theoretical questions. It also has the distinctive aims of (a) fostering work drawing on a variety of disciplines within the social and natural sciences, including biology, economics, history, and psychology; and (b) promoting dialogue between the Anglophone and non-Anglophone worlds. We invite submissions of articles up to 10,000 words, discussion notes up to 5,000 words, and replies and exchanges not exceeding 3,000 words. All published submissions will be subject to double blind review, and the journal will notify authors of submitted pieces about the progress of their submission within six weeks. Although LEAP accepts exclusively submissions in English the journal strongly encourages submis- sions from authors who also write in languages other than English, and will always strive to ensure that their work is assessed on the basis of its content and not primarily its mode of expression. Where necessary the editorial process provides such authors with guidance regarding matters of English style. The journal is published digitally by Marcial Pons, the leading publisher of analytical legal philosophy in the Spanish-speaking world. Volume I will include articles by Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Thomas Pogge, and Michael Smith, and be an open-access sample publication. Submission of a manuscript to LEAP is understood to imply that the manuscript is offered for first publication in LEAP and that no version is under consideration by any other journal or publisher. This guideline does not rule out submissions published as working papers or posted electronically on the author’s personal website or for circulation at a conference. Papers should be submitted as WORD or PDF documents and composed in a twelve point font. First submissions should not contain acknowledgements or any information that could identify the author to reviewers. Submissions should also be edited carefully to contain no more words than necessary. Papers should be accompanied by a separate WORD or PDF document containing a title and word count, an abstract of less than 250 words, five keywords, the author’s contact details and affiliation, and a short biographical note.

The accompanying document should also contain any material with- held from the paper to preserve anonymity. All submissions should be sent to:

Enquiries regarding the journal may be directed to: 

Hugo Seleme, UNC, Argentina.
José Luis Martí, Universidad Pompeu Fabra.

Editores asociados 
Ingvild Almås, Norwegian School of Economics Samantha Besson, Fribourg University Paula Casal, ICREA-Pompeu Fabra University Jordi Ferrer, University of Girona Ernesto Garzón Valdés, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz Cristina Lafont, Northwestern University Genoveva Martí, ICREA-University of Barcelona Lukas Meyer, University of Graz José Juan Moreso, Pompeu Fabra University Serena Olsaretti, ICREA-Pompeu Fabra University and University of Cambridge Félix Ovejero, University of Barcelona Zofia Stemplowska, University of Warwick Andrew Williams, ICREA-Pompeu Fabra University Aulis Aarnio, 

Editorial board
Lucy Allais, Elizabeth Anderson, Richard Arneson, Gustaf Arrhenius, Michael Baurmann, Juan Carlos Bayón, Carmen Bevia, David Bilchitz, Geoffrey Brennan, Ian Carter, Joseph Chan, Thomas Christiano, Bruno Celano, Antony Duff, John Ferejohn, Victor Ferreres, Roberto Gargarella, Robert Goodin, Axel Gosseries, Lori Gruen, Alon Harel, Daniel Hausman, János Kis, Matthew Kramer, David Lefkowitz, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Frank Lovett, Stephen Macedo, Jeff McMahan, Jane Mansbridge, Adèle Mercier, Liam Murphy, Ingmar Persson, Philip Pettit, Thomas Pogge, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Joseph Raz, Debra Satz, Julian Savulescu, Seana Shiffrin, Anne Stilz, Victor Tadros, Larry Temkin, Jeffrey Tulis, Philippe Van Parijs, Georgia Warnke, Ruth Zimmerling. 

Editorial Assistants
Antonio Barboza, José Ezequiel Páez, Leticia Morales, Jahel Queralt, Lorena Ramírez, Laura Roth.

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